These are the assignment for the 15-hour Drug Offender Education Program (DOEP) - DAY #1 as required by the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation. These assignments can be completed here. Please DO NOT complete and submit these assignments until you're instructed to do so by your teacher. All assignments must be submitted successfully in order to be issued a certificate of completion. 


The following questions concern information about your potential involvement with drugs not including alcoholic beverages during the past 12 months. Carefully read each statement and decide if your answer is "Yes" or "No".  Then select the appropriate response for each question. Please answer every question. If you have difficulty with a statement, then choose the response that is mostly right.


TEXAS DRUG OFFENDER EDUCATION PROGRAM PRE-TEST Please answer the following questions to the best of your ability. It is okay if you do not know the correct answer for this assignment.